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Women Leaders Driving Transformation in the New Green Economy and Carbon Literacy Training

Updated: Mar 1

Ian C Jones

Berkshire UK • 07469018888  • LinkedIn

In the ever-evolving landscape of corporate governance, the presence of women in decision-making roles is on the rise. According to the latest statistics, women now hold 40% of Board seats in FTSE 400 companies. However, the transformative change we aspire to achieve seems elusive. This article delves into the challenges and opportunities for women leaders in steering a paradigm shift toward a new green economy that is a more sustainable and equitable economic system.

Women Leaders Transforming and Carbon Literacy Training

Overcoming Fossil-Fuel Legacy

The inertia of vested interests and entrenched habits from the fossil-fuel-based linear economy poses a significant challenge. While companies strive to meet sustainability targets, the reluctance to change organisational culture impedes progress. A compelling argument arises for the active championing of a new culture to break free from biases, misogyny, and the toxicity pervasive in various societal facets. A great way to start would be to introduce carbon literacy training for all staff.

The Role of Female Attributes

Harnessing so-called 'female attributes'—communication, collaboration, holistic thinking, creativity, and caring—is pivotal in shaping the new economic landscape. The limited representation of women in top decision-making roles, such as Chairs and CEOs, is a missed opportunity for society as a whole.

Empowering Women for Ecological Economics

Redesigning Industries for Planetary Boundaries

The urgent need for a shift from the old economy to 'ecological economics' is evident. This involves promoting degrowth, redesigning industries to fit within planetary boundaries, and redistributing wealth to meet the needs of all. This departure from the current economic model will prioritize reducing inequality, protecting and restoring nature, and strengthening communities.

Amplifying Voice and Power

Ecological economics also entails redistributing voice and power, leading to a significant enhancement in the well-being, quality of life, and economic empowerment of women, girls, ethnic minorities, and indigenous people globally. Solutions abound, but the lack of willpower is a critical impediment.

Overcoming Challenges for Male Leaders

Embracing Authenticity

Male leaders stand to benefit from embracing authenticity and expressing 'feminine' qualities openly. Despite the clarity of global heating science, toxic masculinity often stifles their ability to express themselves emotionally. Encouraging a cultural shift that allows everyone to bring their whole selves to the table is crucial for building a new ecological economy.

Call to Action for Women Leaders

Now more than ever, women are called upon to lead change across sectors. The time is ripe to build new models of production and consumption, establish fair trade terms, and forge partnerships that decarbonize and regenerate ecosystems and communities. It's an opportunity to reimagine organizations and societies designed to regenerate natural systems and support those championing these ideas.


When we celebrate International Women's Day, it's a moment to reflect on the immense contributions of women working on the ground and advocating for social and climate justice. The path to unleashing the full potential of female leadership requires concerted efforts to dismantle the dysfunctional elements of the current economy. Together, with courage and determination, we can forge a new ecological economy that benefits humanity and the planet.

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