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Transforming the Fashion Industry: A Call to Carbon Literacy

Updated: Feb 23

Ian C Jones

Berkshire UK • 07469018888  • LinkedIn

Carbon Literacy Training for Retailers

The fashion industry, as one of the largest consumer-facing sectors, plays a pivotal role in climate action. However, recent reports from Fashion Revolution and UNEP/UNFCC highlight the industry's slow progress in transparency and its struggle to meet sustainability targets. In the face of the ongoing climate crisis, transforming the fashion industry is required. Urgent action is needed to transform the fashion industry as soon as possible. This article explores the pivotal role of Carbon Literacy training in fostering a low-carbon culture within the fashion sector.

The Urgency of Transformation

Slow Progress and Greenwashing Risks

  • Fashion's global progress on transparency is underwhelming (Fashion Revolution Report).

  • Despite commitments to net-zero emissions, decarbonization progress lags behind other sectors.

  • Greenwashing practices pose a significant risk to achieving climate targets.

Collective Efforts for Change

  • Transformation requires collective efforts from all stakeholders.

  • Stakeholders must collaboratively work towards a sustainable and circular future.

  • The fashion sector must align with international regulations for unified progress.

Insights from the Carbon Literacy Focus Group

Identifying Challenges

The Carbon Literacy focus group held on July 5th shed light on critical challenges within the fashion sector:

  • Lack of funding.

  • Insufficient legislation.

  • Rampant greenwashing.

  • Absence of infrastructure for circularity, transparency, and standardized metrics.

Motivating Factors for Sustainability

Despite challenges, motivating factors for sustainability in the fashion sector include:

  • Rise of conscious consumerism.

  • Influence of NGOs, charities, and influencers.

  • Incentives tied to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores.

The Need for Climate Education

The discussions underscored the necessity of climate education within the sector:

  • Tailored education is crucial for empowering professionals to take climate action.

  • Carbon Literacy is the missing piece to bridge the gap between sustainability targets and meaningful action.

Pay for Carbon Literacy training with your surplus inventory:

Addressing Industry Gaps

Information vs. Action

  • The sector has an abundance of data but lacks context and relevance for different players.

  • Practical guidance is needed on making substantial impacts and cutting emissions in manufacturing processes and supply chains.

Certification Maze

  • Companies face challenges navigating a vast array of certifications.

  • A clear roadmap outlining relevant certifications and how to achieve them is missing.

Collective Engagement

  • Climate action is not solely the responsibility of sustainability teams.

  • True transformation occurs when the entire workforce is engaged, making climate targets a shared responsibility.

The Vision: Carbon Literacy Toolkit

Bridging Education Gaps

  • A need for an educational training initiative in the fashion sector is evident.

  • The proposed Carbon Literacy Toolkit aims to deliver accredited learning and action on climate change.

Off-the-Shelf Courses

  • The Toolkit offers multiple off-the-shelf courses for organizations to train their staff in Carbon Literacy.

  • It caters to the diverse nature of the fashion sector, from SMEs to larger businesses.

Seeking Collaboration and Funding

  • Collaboration is key to driving significant change.

  • Organizations sharing the vision are invited to contribute and join the initiative.

In conclusion, the fashion sector stands at a critical juncture where urgent action is required. The proposed Carbon Literacy Training emerges as a beacon of change, addressing gaps in education and empowering the industry to collectively tackle the challenges posed by the climate crisis.

Newgate Trading can assist with Carbon Literacy training and buying Media. We have a unique mechanism that allows retailers to pay with inventory rather than cash.

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