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Embracing Sustainability: A Call to Accountability in Marketing

Updated: Feb 19

Ian C Jones

Berkshire UK • 07469018888  • LinkedIn

Sustainable Media

In a world where budgets dictate our decisions, it's time for marketers to place the same emphasis on sustainability. Embracing sustainability is not just a plea; it's a necessity. As we navigate the complexities of modern marketing, there is a call to accountability for our ecological footprint caused by marketing activities.

The Urgency of Sustainable Practices

Marketing strategies often focus on financial gains, neglecting the environmental impact. To build a resilient future, it's crucial to intertwine sustainability with every campaign. Let's delve into why this shift is necessary.

The Ripple Effect of Marketing Choices

Every decision in marketing sends ripples through the environment. From material choices for promotional merchandise to the carbon footprint of extensive ad campaigns, the impact is real. Acknowledging this is the first step toward a more sustainable industry.

A Plea for Accountability

Understanding the Environmental Cost

Budgets are meticulously scrutinised, but do we apply the same rigor to evaluating our environmental expenditures? Sustainable practices demand a similar level of scrutiny, if not more. It's time to be accountable for the ecological cost of our marketing endeavours.

Balancing Act: Sustainability vs. Financial Goals

The common misconception is that sustainability and profitability are at odds. However, they can coexist harmoniously. Embracing eco-friendly practices not only preserves our planet but also appeals to a growing eco-conscious consumer base.

Transitioning to Eco-Friendly Marketing

Revamping Material Choices

Begin by reassessing the materials used in promotional items. Opt for biodegradable or recycled materials to minimise environmental impact. This simple shift can make a substantial difference.

Green Campaigns for a Greener Earth

Craft campaigns that not only promote products but also advocate for sustainability. Engage your audience by showcasing eco-friendly practices within your company. This not only resonates with consumers but also sets an industry standard.

Funding Change

Change can cost and in times when financial resources are stretched making changes can be a challenge. This is where Newgate Trading can help. We have a unique tool that allows advertisers to access media and partly pay with their inventory. This saves cash which can then be directed towards sustainability actions. Feel free to give us a call to understand more or drop an email to


Organisations like the IPA have been recommending to their members to get started on the greener path. It's time for marketers to be as accountable for sustainability as they are for budgets. The environmental consequences of our actions are undeniable. Let's forge a path toward a greener, more responsible marketing landscape. By doing so, we not only secure our industry's future but contribute to the well-being of our planet.

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