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Crafting Your Brand's Unique Voice: 6 Steps to Success

Updated: Feb 19

Ian C Jones

Berkshire UK • 07469018888  • LinkedIn

Your Brands Unique Voice


Welcome to the journey of discovering your brand's unique tone of voice (ToV), where authenticity meets connection! In this article, we'll explore the art of crafting your brands unique voice in six steps. The result is creating a memorable brand image through a consistent and genuine tone. Follow our expert's six simple steps to unveil your brand's distinct voice, making it recognisable even without the logo. Read step 6 carefully as it may save you a ton of cash.   For an obligation free call with Newgate click here



Step 1: Understand Your Audience

Before diving into creating a ToV guide, you need to know your audience inside out. Think of them as your conversation partner. What language do they use? Where do they hang out on social media? Dive into the demographics and discover the phrases they use in search engines. Picture your brand and audience as two friends chatting. Is your brand a wise teacher, a helpful colleague, or an enthusiastic friend? Engage customers through surveys to gather insights into their perceptions.


Step 2: Define Your Core Values

The heart of your brand lies in its core values. Shared values are the bedrock of trust – 64% of customers believe it. Define your brand's story, its stand in the business world, and what makes it unique. Ensure consistency in core values, as any misalignment can alienate customers. A useful exercise is to distill your values into three keywords, a compass guiding your ToV. Align these values with customer feedback to gauge authenticity.


Step 3: Define Your ToV

Now it's time to give your brand a voice. Involve key players from across the business – senior management, copywriters, creative directors, brand strategists, and internal marketers. Draw a line between opposing tones, marking your current position and the desired one. Are you leaning towards funny or serious, casual or formal, irreverent or respectful, enthusiastic or matter of fact? Find the sweet spot that resonates with your audience and aligns with your core values.


Step 4: Create the ToV Guide

Translate your brand's ToV into clear guidelines that everyone in the business can comprehend. Consistency is the key – a disjointed ToV confuses customers. A handy table with real-world examples can guide your team on how to apply the ToV in different situations. For instance, be casual and personable in emails like a friendly conversation, not robotic and formal. Build familiarity for trust and connection.


Step 5: Audit Your Existing Assets

With the ToV guide in hand, it's time to audit your brand's existing assets. Consistency should reign supreme across your website, social media, emails, and all communications. While messaging may vary based on the medium, the overarching personality should shine through. Studies show that consistent voices can boost revenues by up to 23%. However, use common sense to adjust the ToV based on the situation – a somber tone for tragic events, for instance.


Step 6: Before You Contact an Agency

There are ways to save a lot of money and reduce the risk in advertising. Newgate Trading Europe Ltd has developed a unique Barter mechanism that allows you to purchase your media campaign from nearly every provider in the UK and pay for it partially with your product or service. This saves you cash and helps move some of your inventory. The key is to discuss this with Newgate Trading before discussing it with an agency.   For an obligation free call with Newgate click here



Congratulations! You've embarked on the journey to discovering your brand's unique voice. Remember, a genuine ToV builds trust and connection, making your brand memorable. Stay true to your core values, engage your audience, and watch your brand's voice resonate across diverse platforms.




How often should I revisit and adjust my brand's tone of voice?

It's recommended to reassess your ToV annually or whenever there's a significant shift in your business or industry.


Can a brand have more than one tone of voice?

While consistency is key, adaptability is crucial. A brand can adjust its tone based on the context while maintaining an overall consistent voice.


Is humor suitable for every brand's tone of voice?

Humor can be effective, but it depends on your audience and industry. Ensure it aligns with your core values and doesn't risk alienating your target demographic.


How can I measure the effectiveness of my brand's tone of voice?

Track customer engagement, feedback, and brand perception through surveys and analytics tools to gauge the impact of your ToV.


Should the tone of voice differ across different marketing channels?

While the core personality should remain consistent, slight adjustments for each channel can enhance the resonance with specific audiences.

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